Amiga Forever by Cloanto
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Amiga Forever Events

Amiga Forever at Computer '97 in Cologne

The Amiga Forever workshop took place on Saturday, November 15, 1997 at the Computer '97 Show, one day after the launch of Amiga Forever at the same event. Mike (Cloanto) and Bernd Schmidt (UAE) presented the software, running demos and answering questions. The Amiga Forever 1.0 CD-ROM was punctually available at the show, also including the Amiga Explorer 1.0 software.

Bernd Schmidt (UAE) and Mike Battilana (Cloanto)

Bernd next to boing demo running on Amiga notebook

View of the public

The seminar itself was a big success, and lasted two hours instead of the planned hour, with the room filled beyond capacity.

Thanks to the public, and special thanks to everybody who helped setting up the projector, to the man who climbed on top of it, and to the famous "Tankstellenbande" for distracting the public in the first, embarrassing minutes when nothing was working (except for Amiga Forever, of course)!

In the evening a special presentation was given to Petro Tyschtschenko, Alan M. Redhouse, Jürgen Haage and other well-known members of the Amiga community, who could see with their own eyes the first legal and official "Powered by Amiga" notebook.

Alan and Petro watch as Workbench 1.3 boots

A smile for the first Amiga notebook... ;-)


UAE Developers Meeting in Freiburg

Launch of Amiga Forever 1.0