Amiga Forever by Cloanto
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Cloanto at Pianeta Amiga 2007

On September 22-23, 2007, Cloanto attended Pianeta Amiga 2007, held in Empoli, Italy.

At the show, Cloanto updated the Amiga community on its ongoing Amiga application cataloging effort, and provided peeks into some little-known past and present projects...

Cloanto at Pianeta Amiga 2007 - Personal Write on DOS screenshot
1994: Personal Write
 running on Cloanto's
MS-DOS clone of
Amiga Intuition

Cloanto at Pianeta Amiga 2007 - Workbench 1.x replacement project
2007: With some additional
effort, a Workbench 1.x
emulation without Amiga
ROMs becomes possible

More from the Show

At the showgrounds

The banquet was great,
for meat eaters and
vegetarians alike ;-)

The Amiga party went on...

On Sunday, the
Amiga's future was
revealed to be
bright and clear!

Views of Empoli

A beautiful town


Photo credit for "pianeta_amiga_2007_14.jpg": Giuseppe Gargaro.



Pianeta Amiga Homepage:

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