Amiga Forever by Cloanto
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Cloanto Releases Amiga Forever 2008 "RP9"

September 5, 2008 - Cloanto released this week Amiga Forever 2008 "RP9", the latest version of the official Amiga and AmigaOS preservation, emulation and support suite for Windows and other platforms, and a first batch of 10 games in the new RP9 format. Both the RP9 update and the new games are a free download for current users.

Amiga Forever 2008 is the most significant upgrade ever released in the Amiga Forever series. It sets new references in usability while more than tripling the featured content and providing easy access to a universe of free downloads. "RP9" (from RetroPlatform Player, the technology used by Amiga Forever and C64 Forever) indicates support for the new RP9 file format and content delivery, recognition and configuration framework.

"The Amiga Forever 2008 player sets new references," said a Cloanto spokesperson, "But this is only a piece of the puzzle. RP9 is another part of our ongoing effort to make retrocomputing culture and content more accessible and enjoyable. We have a clear vision of where we are heading, and we are thankful to our customers and partners for their support."

The new player for Windows uses heuristic logic to autoconfigure downloaded games and supports double clicks on disk images and game files, saved states, disk write undo and dual-monitor setups. On the cross-platform front (i.e. used without Windows), the KX Light boot environment features a new kernel and hard disk installation (with online updates).

On the content side, the Gallery section includes the full and original 1979 Tripos (Amiga OS precursor) presentation, and new "top secret" Amiga-Atari documents, while more than 200 games and demoscene productions are sure to deliver hours of enjoyment. The Premium Edition additionally includes more than five hours of videos.

Amiga Forever 2008 is available now in three editions:

  • Value Edition (downloadable installer for Windows systems)
  • Plus Edition (downloadable CD ISO image with Windows and platform-neutral additional content)
  • Premium Edition (a physical package containing the Plus Edition CD and two DVDs, combined with an instant download of the installer for Windows)


Permission is granted to use the following unmodified graphics in the original context (click on images for larger and annotated versions).

Click to view full-size graphics
Premium Edition box shots

Click to view full-size graphics
Amiga Forever on Windows

Click to view full-size graphics
Player detail 

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Player options detail

Click to view full-size graphics
Close options detail

Click to view full-size graphics
Plus Edition CD AutoRun menu 

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Workbench 3.X environment detail

Click to view full-size graphics
Workbench 1.3 environment detail

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KX Light boot sequence



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