Amiga Forever by Cloanto
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Cloanto Releases Amiga Forever Essentials for Android

April 23, 2013 - Cloanto, publishers of Amiga Forever since 1997, is announcing today the immediate availability of Amiga Forever Essentials on Google Play. The release marks the first of a planned series of "Essentials" packages for different platforms, in which official Amiga ROM and OS files are made available for programmatic access by a diversity of open-source emulation engines.

For the Android release, Cloanto worked closely with the developers of UAE4All2, UAE4Droid, AnUAE4All, Omega 500 and other apps to make sure that the Amiga system files are autodetected and easy to use.

"We are grateful for the fact that Google Play is open-minded about emulators and GPL components. As such, Android was our ideal candidate for the initial release in the Amiga Forever Essentials series," said a Cloanto spokesperson. "This makes it possible to keep Amiga emulation accessible, enjoyable and legal in ways that are not always within reach for other systems or platforms."

Amiga Forever Essentials provides official AmigaOS versions to unlock the potential of different Amiga emulation apps designed for Android, making it possible to play thousands of Amiga titles on Amiga OS versions 1.2, 1.3, 2.04, 3.0 and 3.1 in emulated computers like the Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200. Bonus content like Workbench 1.3 and First Demos disk images let Amiga enthusiasts enjoy memorable classics such as the 1984 Boing demo.

The app is available now on the Google Play store.


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Workbench 1.3 environment detail

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Workbench 1.3 (animated from boot)



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